
The ashutec team provides comprehensive insights on the latest advancements in software technology.
The team at ashutec presents you with detailed articles on the latest software innovations
FinTech Crypto Trading Software Development
Oct 14, 2021

Developing FinTech/Crypto Trading Software: Process, Cost, Tech-Stack

Here is the process of developing FinTech and crypto trading software and tech stack. Create high-quality trading software for financial and crypto markets.
8 min read
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Smart Outsourcing Tips for Hiring A Trusted Software Development Partner
Oct 11, 2021

Smart Outsourcing Tips for Hiring A Trusted Software Development Partner

While looking for outsourcing providers, you need to keep certain things in mind. Here are some smart outsourcing tips for hiring a trusted development partner.
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Which Frontend Framework Is Most Preferred for a Web App Development
Oct 4, 2021

Which Frontend Framework Is Most Preferred for a Web App Development?

Today, a vast number of frontend development frameworks are available, making it hard to select the right one. Here’s our take on which frontend development frameworks are most preferred for web apps.
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What Things You Should Consider While Developing Mobile and Web Applications
Oct 1, 2021

What Things to Know While Developing Mobile and Web Applications?

Web and mobile apps are crucial elements for a business to have an online presence. Whether to build in-house or outsource it, there are things you need to take care of. Let’s have a look.
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A Comprehensive Overview of Outsourcing Vs In-House Development Models
Sep 28, 2021

A Comprehensive Overview of Outsourcing Vs In-House Development Models

Many factors have contributed to the rise of the outsourcing model. Here’s how the Outsourcing Model fairs against the in-house development model.
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Frontend Development Trends to Watch and Embrace This Year
Sep 15, 2021

Frontend Development Trends to Watch and Embrace This Year

Each year starts with new trends. And here are a few frontend development trends to make your frontend smart, trendy, and appealing.
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Sep 7, 2021

Things to Take Care of While Outsourcing Your Software and Product Development Projects

Outsourcing offers great advantages. Still, there are a few things that companies should consider before outsourcing software development projects.
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Aug 31, 2021

What is Scalability? How to Develop Scalable Web Applications?

Scalability is how effectively a web app can deal with the sudden rise in demand. Here’s a guide on how to develop scalable web applications.
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Aug 25, 2021

How to Choose the Right Technology for Software and Product Development Projects?

Choosing the right technology stack makes it effortless to build software applications. Here is a guide for Software and Product Development for your projects.
11 min read
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Aug 18, 2021

Factors to Consider While Selecting the Right Country for Outsourcing Software and Product Development

Many factors come into play while selecting the right country to outsource. Here’s a guide to know each in detail.
5 min read
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