eAdvisor Dashboard App

eAdvisor.app is a SaaS-based financial planning platform that offers advisory services using historical data to project various scenarios. Our platform caters to three distinct user roles: Advisors, who are the primary subscribers and have the ability to invite both Co-Advisors and clients; Co-Advisors, who operate under Advisors and can also invite clients; and Clients, who are the end customers of the Advisors, empowered to update and oversee their personal financial information. Our user-friendly system is designed to provide financial planning and advisory services to seamlessly meet the needs of all these user categories.
eAdvisor Dashboard App

The Challenge

    Financial planning is crucial for achieving financial independence. However, many individuals struggle with it due to the vast and fragmented landscape of financial institutions. They often grapple with questions like, "When should I start investing?", "How can I retire early?", or "What if the market crashes?". Recognizing this gap, our client envisioned a unified platform where financial experts can address these concerns and guide clients in effectively managing their finances.

The Solution

    In our initial discussions and during the requirements documentation phase, the client expressed a preference for building the app using solely JavaScript and HTML. However, recognizing the advantages of Angular, such as enhanced scalability and maintainability, we recommended its adoption. The client was receptive, and we proceeded with Angular alongside Firebase, Bootstrap, Node.Js, and TypeScript. Additionally, we integrated the Stripe subscription portal, SendGrid email services, and the ngx admin theme for optimal efficiency.

Features Of eAdvisor Dashboard App

  • Advisors can invite clients via email, create their profiles, and collaborate live.
  • Client profiles encompass Basic Info, Investment Info, Income, Social Security, Budgeting, and Major Purchases.
  • Post-profile setup, advisors view client financials on the dashboard.
  • Advisors can seamlessly toggle between client profiles.
  • Screen Sharing allows mutual, real-time profile updates.
  • Live updates on Scenario, Tax Strategies, Spending Rules, etc.
  • Advisors choose and modify subscription plans, either monthly or yearly.
  • Scenario testing reveals impacts on financial portfolios.
  • Historical market data is provided for client clarity.
  • Tax Strategies offer withdrawal comparison methods.
  • Comprehensive reports showcase financial plans, tax/spending strategies, and scenario simulations.

    Technology We Use For Better Experience

  • Client Side
  • Server Side
  • Integration
  • Deployment
  • Angular
  • BootStrap
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Firebase Trigger


eAdvisorn landing page
eAdvisor features screen
eAdvisor CTA screen
eAdvisor account value screen
eAdvisor details screen
eAdvisor dashboard screen

“ I worked with Jitendra & the team at ashutec to build an application in Angular for a SaaS project. He did a really good job, it was a complex project, and involved a lot of APIs (payment API, email API, custom API) and a lot of different features and database work. They were able to accomplish everything I was looking for in a good amount of time, and they always kept me up to date with what they were doing and what they planned to do next. Communication was quick and easy, quality of work was great, and ultimately I got a good product that I am excited about. “

Joshua Terrell

CEO, Advisor Software Solutions LLC, Advisor Software Solutions LLC