BitWiser Mobile App

The bitWiser mobile app provides a seamless platform for users to share trivia questions. Users can initiate quiz competitions and engage with a vast community of like-minded individuals. The app supports challenges on a myriad of topics, from general knowledge and programming to networking and hardware, allowing users to test their friends or compete with random participants.
BitWiser mobile app

The Challenge

    After successfully launching the web app, the client sought a native mobile app that leverages the web app's code structure for optimal efficiency and streamlined maintenance. The primary challenge was to create a mobile app that maintains consistent functionality with the web application, all while using the same codebase and architecture.

The Solution

    Having previously developed the bitWiser web application, we leveraged the existing code structure and resources. We employed NativeScript to transition the trivia game from a web platform to a unified mobile application. Additionally, we utilized technologies like Angular, Redux, and Ngrx to craft a user-friendly and responsive mobile experience.

Features Of BitWiser Mobile App

  • Optimized for seamless mobile responsiveness.
  • Integrated Elasticsearch on Google Cloud, supplemented with Firebase functions.
  • Offers both single-player and multiplayer trivia modes for curious individuals.
  • Allows users to personalize profile pictures, names, geolocation-based locations, category preferences, tags, and security configurations.
  • Engage in trivia challenges, post questions, and connect with a global user base.
  • Enables the creation of custom quiz competitions based on user interests.
  • Facilitates social sharing across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Unified codebase for both web and native mobile applications.

    Technology We Use For Better Experience

  • Client Side
  • Server Side
  • Integration
  • Deployment
  • NativeScript
  • Angular
  • Redux
  • Ngrx
  • RxJS


BitWiser mobile app splash screen
BitWiser mobile app profile screen
BitWiser mobile app select category screen
BitWiser mobile app result screen
BitWiser mobile app quiz screen
BitWiser mobile app question of the day screen
BitWiser mobile app home screen
BitWiser mobile app active games screen

“ It was a great pleasure working with Milan and his team at ashutec. Milan's excellent management along with his technical expertise allowed me to not worry about day-to-day technical challenges and delivery and freed my time to focus on other aspects building the product. “

Akshay Nihalaney

CEO, Emaxers Inc, Emaxers Inc