How Artificial Intelligence Play an Important Role In Remote Proctoring of Online Skill Assessment?

Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the technology industry. Let’s see what role it plays in bolstering remote proctoring of the online skill assessment tests.

4 min read
Feb 10, 2022

The emerging technologies in the education industry have transformed the way online examination and skill assessments tests are conducted. Educational institutions and even technically-apt businesses need remote tools to assess the skills of their candidates.

They need a tool that can accurately assess the skill and have the necessary security measures to maintain the integrity of online skill assessment tests. Artificial intelligence has made this possibility true for institutions that are in dire need of such tools.

Moreover, the Covid-19 breakout has also forced companies to take the remote approach for skill assessment. And the tools for the same heavily rely on the AI’s capabilities for remote proctoring during the ongoing skill assessment tests.

Today, I am presenting you an article to help you understand how AI plays an important role in the remote proctoring of online skill assessment tests. Before we delve into the same, let’s quickly recap what is AI and remote proctoring

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a type of intelligence that utilizes computer power and machines to mimic human-like behavior for decision-making and problem-solving capabilities. The definition of AI for different fields and people from different industries vary a lot.

AI has become ubiquitous today from recommending what to buy online to recognizing and authenticating people in photos or videos. Moreover, it has a significant part to play in remote proctored skill assessment testing tools. Before we delve into that, let’s learn remote proctoring in online tests.

What is Remote Proctoring in Online Skill Assessment Tests?

Remote proctoring helps in authenticating, authorizing, monitoring the online tests in a scalable manner. It ensures full security standards for organizations to conduct skill assessments and other examinations.

Remote proctoring plays a similar role to what an on-site invigilator does. The invigilator safeguards and maintains the integrity of the examination. Similarly, remote proctoring for online skill assessment tests strengthens its security and integrity.

However, like an invigilator, remote proctoring is not a human. An invigilator is necessary when conducting an examination of 40–50 candidates. But for thousands of candidates appearing for the same assessment requires several hundreds of invigilators.

Online remote proctoring completely removes the invigilator system through the power of AI and the internet. It helps in remote monitoring and assessment through webcam, microphone, and other necessary means.

Role of AI in Remote Proctoring for Online Skill Assessment Tests

Skill assessment platform with remote proctoring enables candidates to take assessments from anywhere, anytime. The AI-enabled proctoring helps in analyzing the patterns for cheating, suspicious behavior, eye movement, and mouse movement.

Also, through audio and video remote proctoring, candidates are continuously monitored for suspicious behavior to prevent cheating and fraud. Also, many capable platforms break down videos into small chunks by AI if any suspicious activity is found. Later, the test conductors can look through these videos to judge the suspicious activity to be considered as cheating.

The primary motive of AI-enabled remote proctoring is to facilitate the candidates to take skill assessment tests at the comfort of their homes. Such revolutionary technology ensures the candidates do not indulge in cheating or any other unfair means to trick systems.

Here are some of the AI-powered remote proctoring methods:

Video Surveillance

One of the most effective remote proctoring methods is video and audio surveillance. It enables test creators to see the visual responses of the candidates during the assessment. The AI captures any suspicious behavior or activity such as eye movement or authorized voices in the background.

Some platforms record the whole session. But since viewing the whole session is not ideal, the AI will break down the session into small pieces where inconsistencies have been identified.

Screen & Audio Recording

It’s a common practice for skill assessment platforms to record screens and audios. The AI here will note down the instances when candidates try to change the test window back and forth. It also notes the duration of the change of window to interpret what the candidate is up to.

Facial Recognition for Authentication

AI has grown so advanced today to even facial recognition and authenticate the candidates from their IDs. Facial ID authentication is vital to dissuading impersonators from the registered candidates. The AI-powered skill assessment platform will consist of multi-level authentication to match candidates’ photo IDs for legitimacy.

Biometric Authentication

AI also helps in authenticating the biometrics of the candidates for cross verification. It ensures that the candidate is not an imposter. The AI will collect the biometric data of the appearing candidates from what is available in the database of the institute or organization.

Screen Tracking & Analysis

Skill assessment test creators can ask candidates to take the test in full-screen mode. The AI will come into play to detect the instances when a candidate exits from the full-screen mode. Also, the AI will power the platform to track the mouse movement and clicks to detect if the candidate has left the assessment window and used another screen monitor.

The AI will try and figure out if the candidate had accessed the unauthorized material from the internet.

Final Words

Test takers find clever ways to bypass the assessment regulation offline and online methods. However, remote proctoring for online skill assessment is vital to prevent any cheating or fraudulent attempts during the test. And AI plays a major role to help strengthen the security and integrity of skill assessment tests.

From recommending what to buy online to facial ID authentication, AI is going to govern the precedence in the future. AI-enabled platforms are the need of the hour today for remote proctoring the skill assessment tests. From video surveillance to audio & screen recording, facial recognition, screen tracking and analysis, and biometric authentication, AI will surely enhance the security and integrity of online skill assessment tests.

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